The following is the worship schedule of our Church. All faithful are invited and encouraged to join us with their prayers.

Matins 8:00am
Divine Liturgy 10:00am
Bible Study (in English) 7:30 pm

Prayer Service (in Armenian) 10:00am

Pastoral Care: Home and Hospital Clergy Visits

The clergy are always available to visit homebound and hospitalized parishioners. If you or someone you know is ill or hospitalized and would like to be visited, please call the church office at (617)923-8860. Please note that when asked about your religion at a hospital, patients should list themselves as “Armenian Orthodox” or “Armenian” but certainly not “other”.

Requiem Service/Hokehankisd

Arrangements for Requiem Service, Altar Flowers and Candles should be made through the Church Office by Thursday at noon. Please note that in accordance with the Canons of the Armenian Church, Requiem Services may not be performed on the five major feast days: Armenian Christmas, Easter, The Feast of the Transfiguration, The Feast of the Assumption of Holy Mary the Mother of God, and The Feast of Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Requiem Service requests are announced in the Sunday Bulletin.

Special Prayers

The celebrant/pries prays for all the faithful during the Sunday Divine Liturgy. The Pastor will offer prayers for specific intentions (recovery from illness, etc.) upon your request. Special prayer requests are announced in the Sunday Bulletin. Please call the Pastor’s office if you would like special prayers offered.

Sunday Fellowship Hour

Each Sunday following church services, parishioners enjoy a fellowship hour. It is a custom in the Armenian Church to host a fellowship in the memory of loved ones. We also encourage our faithful to host a fellowship in celebration of a special event. Please call the church office to make arrangements and for more information.